The Remington NC-17 Machine, constructed by Peg Daniels
Try this for a deep, dark, dripping secret: there exists a simple machine for generating RS NC-17 stories. Follow: I'd always loved, um, excitement, so I studied and apprenticed, and gave myself license to write smut. But absolutely no one came! Then I was opened to a penetrating insight, and I invented a machine. A decidedly masculine machine. Suddenly there were readers lined up around my block! It works like a charm. So now that I’ve done the work, you can use my machine in your stories and take the bows. As long as people buy it, this machine can get the job done. Remember: in writing your descriptions, never replace the mechanics of the sex act with subtle allusions. Well . . . almost never. If you do, you won’t need my machine.
The Remington NC-17 machine:
Remington inserted his (choose from: tongue, finger, throbbing male organ of pleasuring)
into Laura's (choose from: ear; mouth; warm, wet center of her femininity).
A simple combinatorial calculation shows that this gives 9 possibilities for description of their love-making. And of course, we can construct a similar machine for Laura. If you’re feeling creative, you can expand the inputs allowed as Remington and Laura put out. As Markos was quoted in Red Holt Steele, "Think of the possibilities!" On the other hand, some things are best left to the imagination, and in these situations it will suffice for you to write “Remington inserted his Tab A into Laura’s Slot B.”
I hope you find this of some help when your thrust is to write the perfect love scene.